
Showing posts from May, 2017

A Quick History of Some of My Favorite Builds

Welcome to my blog.  I have been bad with chronicling my work over the last few years.  A big part of this was being very busy with life (including moving, renovations, and completing a Master degree).  I am still rather busy, but I am going to try to do better to share my work.  To kick things off, I wanted to show a few of my past projects. In the past I have cosplayed with friends for things like Halloween, and random parties.  Most of these were just found clothes projects with the odd prop thrown in.  I have always enjoyed armoured characters, and my first armour cosplay was a Space Marine Scout from the Warhammer 40k universe.  This costume was also for my first nerd convention.  Some friends and I had never been to any conventions before, and ended up going to DragonCon in Atlanta.  I would also get to meet members of a 40k costuming group I am part of (, so I was inspired to actually have a costume to meet them in. So I did a speed build of the scout